Thursday, March 29, 2007

Leaving Tonight!

Ok so we are still not totally packed..hahah what a surprise! But we are soooo excited! We leave tonight at 8!!! We were just informed that there was a tornado in Colorado Springs, CO that claimed one life. Colorado Springs is about 35 minutes from Castle Rock so pray we have a safe and relaxing and fun weekend! We will update this sometime while we are there with picvtures and stuff! Have a great weekend!
-Daniel & Lauren

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Leaving SOOOON!

So we are getting packed and ready for good ol' cold and crsip Colorado, and when I say ready and packed I mean mentally, the actual packing probably won't be done until wednesday night at 1 in the morning. But no sweat off our backs, we get to sleep in and wake up to yummy breakfast ready for us =) Cinnamon rolls and pancakes!!! But the best part is seeing family awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... =) Here is a pic of us and Andrew. The little bro.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Well, well, well, We have many updates for you! First and foremost we will be changing the wedding date! Now, before we reveal the new Big Day, here is some info on why we decided to do this. First off, it was God who put this on our hearts as well as some of the most influential people's in our lives. The original date was June 24, 2007. A Sunday. At 10:00am. That probably explains most of it. It would have been at the exact time that Reverence Bible Church has it's morning service, which means some of the most important people in our lives wouldn't get to come... Unfortunately we were super duper excited when booking our site and didn't think about praying and seeking the Lord on it first! But praise God, now it will be soooo much more glorifying to Him. Also, here's a little hint I guess, by moving it further back we will be able to save deniro and get our own casa, and stay in California with you wonderful people longer! Which will be simply amazing! Soooooooo the new date is..... *drum roll please*... SATURDAY, AUGUST 11TH, 2007, AT 11:00AM. Be there or be square. Its gonna be the greatest!

Also, we are going to Castle Rock next weekend!! WOOOOOO!!!! We are stokked. We leave on Thursday night!! YAY for time off work!! I definitely love airports =) Hopefully we dont get stuck at the airport like we did in December.....Here are a few tired pics of us stuck in Phoenix.....don't ask...we don't klnow how we got there either..... and we never made in to good ol' snowy Colorado for Christmas!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


This is Us!!!!

Daniel Capper and Lauren Finkle.
We decided to start this since we will be moving after we get married! we wanted you guys to be able to keep updated on our life! We hope you enjoy! Here is a quick little background.....

We started dating on May 20th, 2006 and Danny proposed on my birthday, January 26th, 2007!! We will be getting married June 24th, 2007! The most important aspect of 'us' is Christ. He is the number one priority in our lives, and He is soooo amazing! His grace is indescribablywonderful and needed!!! All praise goes to our Lord Jesus Christ!

After we get married we will be moving to a nice little town called Castle Rock, in Colorado! Danny's parents and brothers live there so we won't be alone! We are so excited!! Here are some pics of our soon to be home.

The first one is an old pic obviously!