Monday, September 21, 2009


Hi everyone. As usual lots of exciting updates! Since last time there is a ton more going on! Let's start with Danny. He was one of 8 people to be chosen to start the Fire Academy early!! He started about 2 weeks ago. Its a lot of studying and physical ability but Danny is really enjoying it. We just got back ( well like 3 weeks ago) from CA. We went there for Roderick and Emily's wedding which was really beautiful. We had a ton of fun. We stayed with my parents and David and Milena stayed there too. I, yesterday, ran a half marathon!!! It was up in Boulder and was awesome. Its 13.1 miles. I really enjoyed the challenge, and will definitely do it again!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hello! So since last time we posted an update Danny has become a firefighter!!! YES!!! A real working firefighter....I don't think there are fake ones but you know. Praise God!!!! He was hired onto Franktown Fire Volunteer District!!! He is going through training now and starts his actual shifts next week! He is loving it a ton! He goes to their academy next Spring. Its amazing what God does in His timing! Anyways, Dave and Milena are down, well they left today for Hawaii but we had a very fun time visiting with them and they will be back in 2 weeks. I am working in the back (with the animals) at work a little here and there and I am loooooving it! WE are praying to see if its something I want to pursue head on or just the way it is. We are leaving for CA on August 25th! We are excited and we are driving out there and taking Spike. It should be interesting! Danny's friend Rodderick is getting married on the 28th and we are excited to go!!! Welll not much else!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


HI! Its not very often we update this anymore, we're busy and I guess Facebook has kinda taken over! But anyways lots of updates in our life, we are now attending Reverence Bible Church down in Colorado Springs and its such a blessing! God is using the small church to bless Danny and I in huge ways! Sometimes we go down there Saturday afternoons and sleep over a t the Hull's which is so fun, we bring Spike and him and their golden retriever Dexter play the whole time. We'll take some pictures next time of the two of them, its cute. What else?.... Oh Danny took the Denver Regional Council of Governments (Dr. Cog) test for firefighting and we learned this morning he got 84%!!! So thats exciting, now we just wait, his test score is put on a list thatmore than 10 cities use to hire new firefighters! Also, back a few months ago,Danny sent in an application to Franktown Fire Volunteer station and they called him in for a ride-along; he went to that and loved it then about 2 weeks ago they sent a letter for him to come back for an interview!! So on Saturday he got all spiffy and went to the inteview, he said it went great and it was really fun! So we will see, he is now awaiting a phone call! Oh wow, AND he is coaching a boys 13 year old soccer club team, its gonna be very fun, the club is called Colorado Elite.

We are planning on going out to California in August, we are actually driving and bringing the will be interesting!!! We leave at 2:00 on the 25th and hopefully get there by early on the 26th, on the 28th is one Danny's good friends' wedding and then after the wedding we are hoping to go down to San Diego for a mini vacation! It should be very nice!! Anyways, I think thats it right now! Life is good because God is soooo amazing!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So I am not sure where I left off last time but we went to California for a few days which was ssoooooo nice! We caught up with friends and family which was a huge blessing and got to go on the hottest weekend they have had so far! We left DIA during a "winter storm" and were one of only four planes they let leave because of the snow! Praise God!! We had a great time and miss our family and everyone back home! But when we got back to Co the weather was much more "springy" =). We have been celebrating lots of birthdays- My dad's and Kiana's on April 16th, Daniel's and Uncle John's on April 23rd and my aunt Joan's on April 22nd..... hope I am right!!!!! =) Anywas we have a few pics!
Spike has been great, though he did eat a Red Hot Chili Pepper's CD...I guess he didn't like them....hes got a bad taste in music =) But we are enjoying having him, the cats are starting to like him too! But thats all for now!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A gigantic Update!

So we took a ....long...tooo long break from here..... Not too sure why. But anyways whats been going on? Well the first update we will start with is Daniel's firefighting. He applied to the Franktown volunteer station and has his ride-along (part of the interview process) on April 6th! Praise God! His timing is perfect! Daniel is very excited. He is still playing soccer regularly on Sunday and Monday nights and is loving it! I am still at the Animal Hospital and loving that!

We are going out to California on April 17th-21st and we can't wait!!!! Derick and Carrie Hull (Derick is the Pastor that married DAnny and I) and they are our very close friends have moved down to the Springs to start Reverence Bible Church of Colorado Springs! Its so fun having them here!!!!

We also have added a member to our family!!! Not a human but a dog! He is a 7 month old boxer puppy named Spike! We had always known we wanted a dog at some point but never really thought about jow much we wanted one until just lately. Danny goes running often and needs a running buddy and we love hiking and taking walks. We first wanted an Alaskan Malaute....but they shed way too much and are too big so then Danny thought what about a boxer? We did some research and found out they are really great dogs! We looked on Craigslist but were pretty weary about who the dog came from and if it was healthy. God brought us the best dog!!!! He has been very good, and entertaining!! Here are some pictures!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update and Pictures!

Its been such a long time since we actually updated this with words...sorry about that! So I guess we can start by saying that God is soooooo good! For Thanksgiving my parents flew out and we had a blast! It was so much fun to have them out! Milena flew out December 22nd from Hawaii- for those of you who don't know, Milena is Daniel's brother David's wife. We weren't exactly sure when David would get to fly out because he is serving in the Army and was in Afghanistan, he has been there since July, so we finally got the call that he was flying into DIA at 3:30 on the day after Christmas. We were soooo excited but I think his wife was the most excited! There are pictures from DIA when David got in on previous posts. So back to Christmas, it wasn't as snowy as it was last fact it was not very cold at all! We had an awesome Christmas at home and then went over to Debbie and Erik's later that day! It has been an awesome couple of months! SInce David and Milena have been here we have done lots of shopping and playing games and stuff. For New Year's we were at Debbie and Erik's too we played a ton of fun games hung out which was nice. About a week ago we all went up to Fraser, CO which was about a 2 1/2 hour drive because of traffic and went tubing!!! It was one of the funnest (I know its not a word) things we have done here in CO. We also went to Denver for a day and had fun eating at the Hard Rock Cafe and Starbucks and shopping.I have lots of pictures!!!!And now Dave has flown back to Afghanistan (not there yet) and Milena back to Hawaii...we are sad they have left but excited for next time they come out. As for our plans for this new year? Well we are praying about going to Hawaii for our 2nd anniversary! And from there we don't know! We praise God for 2008 and can't wait to see what He has for us this year!!