Tuesday, June 16, 2009


HI! Its not very often we update this anymore, we're busy and I guess Facebook has kinda taken over! But anyways lots of updates in our life, we are now attending Reverence Bible Church down in Colorado Springs and its such a blessing! God is using the small church to bless Danny and I in huge ways! Sometimes we go down there Saturday afternoons and sleep over a t the Hull's which is so fun, we bring Spike and him and their golden retriever Dexter play the whole time. We'll take some pictures next time of the two of them, its cute. What else?.... Oh Danny took the Denver Regional Council of Governments (Dr. Cog) test for firefighting and we learned this morning he got 84%!!! So thats exciting, now we just wait, his test score is put on a list thatmore than 10 cities use to hire new firefighters! Also, back a few months ago,Danny sent in an application to Franktown Fire Volunteer station and they called him in for a ride-along; he went to that and loved it then about 2 weeks ago they sent a letter for him to come back for an interview!! So on Saturday he got all spiffy and went to the inteview, he said it went great and it was really fun! So we will see, he is now awaiting a phone call! Oh wow, AND he is coaching a boys 13 year old soccer club team, its gonna be very fun, the club is called Colorado Elite.

We are planning on going out to California in August, we are actually driving and bringing the dog....it will be interesting!!! We leave at 2:00 on the 25th and hopefully get there by early on the 26th, on the 28th is one Danny's good friends' wedding and then after the wedding we are hoping to go down to San Diego for a mini vacation! It should be very nice!! Anyways, I think thats it right now! Life is good because God is soooo amazing!

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