Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update and Pictures!

Its been such a long time since we actually updated this with words...sorry about that! So I guess we can start by saying that God is soooooo good! For Thanksgiving my parents flew out and we had a blast! It was so much fun to have them out! Milena flew out December 22nd from Hawaii- for those of you who don't know, Milena is Daniel's brother David's wife. We weren't exactly sure when David would get to fly out because he is serving in the Army and was in Afghanistan, he has been there since July, so we finally got the call that he was flying into DIA at 3:30 on the day after Christmas. We were soooo excited but I think his wife was the most excited! There are pictures from DIA when David got in on previous posts. So back to Christmas, it wasn't as snowy as it was last fact it was not very cold at all! We had an awesome Christmas at home and then went over to Debbie and Erik's later that day! It has been an awesome couple of months! SInce David and Milena have been here we have done lots of shopping and playing games and stuff. For New Year's we were at Debbie and Erik's too we played a ton of fun games hung out which was nice. About a week ago we all went up to Fraser, CO which was about a 2 1/2 hour drive because of traffic and went tubing!!! It was one of the funnest (I know its not a word) things we have done here in CO. We also went to Denver for a day and had fun eating at the Hard Rock Cafe and Starbucks and shopping.I have lots of pictures!!!!And now Dave has flown back to Afghanistan (not there yet) and Milena back to Hawaii...we are sad they have left but excited for next time they come out. As for our plans for this new year? Well we are praying about going to Hawaii for our 2nd anniversary! And from there we don't know! We praise God for 2008 and can't wait to see what He has for us this year!!