Monday, July 28, 2008

A Beautiful Night

So tonight I am outside typing this blog and surfing the internet, emailing people and researching stuff. Its absolutely beautiful out. There is an amazing sunset that reminds me that God is the Creator of it. He is amazing and its really cool the things He uses to bless us with His presence- something as simple as a sunset. Sleep good everyone.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Vet, Water World, And a Birthday Party

Yesterday was so busy and fun! We started off our day off with an early (7am) trip to the gym, then we took Murphy to the vet- he has bee waking up at 3:30am every night and goes crazy for about an hour and then goes back to sleep so the Dr. thinks it could be anxiety...we will see. Anyways after the Vet, we got home and got ready for Water World (for those of you reading from CA Water World is like Wild Rivers or Raging Waters). We went and picked up Hannah, Autumn, and Josh and went on our way. Its only about a 45 minute drive and there weren't too many people there. There were so many fun rides and eating and running around. We went in the wave pool where we got pummeled, on the Revolution which is like a big toilet bowl-you go through a tube get dropped in a big bowl and then drop through the middle, we went on lots of tubes and got our fair share of sun- but not sunburned!! It was way fun, but we finally decided to leave around 4:00 and headed home. We got home around 5:30 after dropping everyone off at home and took quick showers and headed to Rhyolite Park for a surprise birthday dinner for Lindsay. It was fun eating and hanging out in the beautiful weather, we had homemade ice cream and berrycobbler then said our goodbyes and went home. So altogether it was one of the most fun filled days we have had! Sorr no pics!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Job!

So on the Monday I started my new job!!! Well first things first, I quit Kindercare because the pay wasn't great and neither was the mgmt! =) I am a front office receptionist at VCA Animal Hospital! I already love it. I get to help out a lot in the back so thats exciting and its so great to work with animals!! I love wearing scrubs, and everyone is very nice.
Me & Murphy- posing like I'm his vet...

Wooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my new job!!!

Time to celebrate the new VCA Animal Hospital job!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Surprises & Flowers

Molly getting caught trying to eat my flowers I got on my last day at Kindercare!!! Wooo! I start at VCA DOuglas County Animal Hospital on Monday!

Surprise! I got a special delivery of some fun Pampered Chef stuff today...and a cat with it... he's kinda cute we might keep him...a little nosey though!

Ahhhhh besides the tulip, hydrangeas are my favorite flower! They are so pretty and look fake!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th Of July PICTURES!!!

DIA! Waitning for mom and dad

Hanging out before dinner

Castle Rock's Rockin 4th Festival!

Me and my momma

Me and the moms

Me & the dad's

Gotta have the sparklers!!

Our first 4th of July!

Beautiful Fireworks!

The best fireworks we have ever seen!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The 4th of July, 2008- More to come! (Pictures)

The 4th is one of my favorite holidays! And this year was one of the best! The day started off with Danny setting off for work and I was on my way to wonderful DIA (Denver International Airport) to pick my parents up!! They arrived safely and we headed for the apartment. We arrived and they got to say hi to their grandkitties and settled a little. We didnt hesitate and went right into looking at some models!! WOOOO! We stopped to eat at Heidie's Deli and stopped to visit Debbie & Erik at the pool! We rested a bit and headed to Debbie & Erik's. On Danny's way home he made a special stop to buy LEGAL fireworks!! YES they are completely legal here in Douglas County, CO thank goodness. The icecream man came down the street so we raced down as soon as we heard the sweet sound! We walked over to the neighbors who were having a party and then headed back to the house for a wonderful dinner of steak, chicken, corn, beans and much more! As it was finally getting a tad dark at 9:00 we ran out to play with sparklers, black cats, piccolo pete's and everything else you can think of! When those were done (and everyone still had all their fingers and hair) we went into the back porch to enjoy the fireworks with the PERFECT view. They were actually shooting them off at the new Rhyolite Regional Park which is less than 1/2 a mile away so it was the best show I have ever seen! After the fireworks it was time to have dessert! Brownies, icecream, mango blackberry cobbler and more! We couldn't leave for about an hour and a half because all the people trying to get home from the park and their are only 2 ways so it was a parking lot! But I have to say it was such a nice fourth of July!