Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve, Christmas and the Day After!

I got angry during dominoes and threw this wine glass.... =)

Family picture!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Way too long...we know....

We haven't been able to find the charger for our camera! We have tons of pictures....but no way to get them off the camera so I am starting to think we are going to have to buy a new one! So I guess I will just update you (our faithful readers) so that you keep reading!

Well since we got back from California, we have had lots of changes! For one we have-thankfully to God that we are able to afford it- moved into and apartment! For those of you who didn't know, we were in apartment the first year of our marriage, then decided to try out living with Danny's parents to save money, but we just really missed having our own place! So we now live in a very cute one bedroom apartment that we actually like better than our old one, and its so nice to be just us again =)

Daniel turned in his application to volunteer at Franktown Fire Department (which is only about 15 minutes away. And they will be calling him after the holidays! So he is very excited! He found out that they will pay for a bunch of different fire fighting certifications which is always such a blessing. He has also started (today) plowing snow with his friend Brent. He loves it and is making good money on the side!

Thanksgiving was great! My parents flew out and we had dinner at Debbie and Erik's and it was fabulous! My mom, Debbie, Daniel and Andrew went shopping at the Outlet Mall which opened at 11:00pm on Thanksgiving and shopped for awhile, I had to work at 6 the next morning so I was very warm and asleep by 10:00 =)

We have had a beautifuly warm and mild fall which has been great, and they day after Thanksgiving we finally got 8 inches of snow! We have been getting it pretty consistantly every few days since then. Its been snowing pretty consistantly all day today too!

We are doing really well! God has blessed us so much! Danny is doing the men's Bible study every Tuesday night which he absolutely loves, the y are going through Ephesians. I am doing the women's Bible study which has been awesome and we only have one week left, we have been going through a study called "The Fingerprints of God" its by a lady who is blind. Its been so nice! Hopefully pictures soon to follow!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Andrew's Birthday!

His Birthday was actually a week ago but we haven't had time to poost!!!