Monday, March 30, 2009

A gigantic Update!

So we took a ....long...tooo long break from here..... Not too sure why. But anyways whats been going on? Well the first update we will start with is Daniel's firefighting. He applied to the Franktown volunteer station and has his ride-along (part of the interview process) on April 6th! Praise God! His timing is perfect! Daniel is very excited. He is still playing soccer regularly on Sunday and Monday nights and is loving it! I am still at the Animal Hospital and loving that!

We are going out to California on April 17th-21st and we can't wait!!!! Derick and Carrie Hull (Derick is the Pastor that married DAnny and I) and they are our very close friends have moved down to the Springs to start Reverence Bible Church of Colorado Springs! Its so fun having them here!!!!

We also have added a member to our family!!! Not a human but a dog! He is a 7 month old boxer puppy named Spike! We had always known we wanted a dog at some point but never really thought about jow much we wanted one until just lately. Danny goes running often and needs a running buddy and we love hiking and taking walks. We first wanted an Alaskan Malaute....but they shed way too much and are too big so then Danny thought what about a boxer? We did some research and found out they are really great dogs! We looked on Craigslist but were pretty weary about who the dog came from and if it was healthy. God brought us the best dog!!!! He has been very good, and entertaining!! Here are some pictures!

1 comment:

Carrie's The Created Home said...

Hey that is me you are talking about! :) What you did not know then is that you would be moving to the Springs and we would become even closer friends! Love the picture of Grace and Spike!