Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Biggest Trial/Blessing Ever Part 1

Lets just jump right in, shall we? The past....2 years have been.....amazing, sad, unbelievable, sanctifying,....most of all, Christ-filled. Let's start with last November.

I started having horrible stomach pain in November of 2011, and decided after some very concerning episodes to get an appointment with a gastr0enterologist. Went to see her and after an upper GI- where they go down your throat with a camera and who knows what else- they found out I have Acid Reflux Disease. Okay, don't eat too late at night before bed, nothing too spicy and lots of milk/ Tums, I can do this! So after that I was doing pretty well, until well, January.
One night I started having some pain in my right lower abdomen. Thought nothing of it because it wasn't too bad. After 2 days of the pain slowly getting worse I got worried when trying to get up to take the dog outside I couldn't get up..... I called Daniel who was at work and he told me to call the Dr. I did so and they said it could be my appendix and to go to the ER right away.....Oh MAN! I hate that place.....Daniel took me in and they decided to do a CAT scan to find out if it was my appendix, all the nurses and Dr.'s were sure it was and even called the on-call surgeon to be ready to take it out.

After the CAT scan the Dr. came back in very surprised, he told us my appendix was fine and that a section of my intestines was very inflamed and because of the amount of pain I was having with it he was going to keep me...yes ADMIT me into the hospital....NOOOOOOO! So the stay was 3 days long with lots of yucky tests and pokes and beeping.... I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. How overwhelming it was. I am only 23 years old!!??

To say I was overwhelmed was and under statement. The only way to get through this, and the feelings of why? I am too young to have an autoimmune disease, how will this affect my life? was to trust in my ever present, all-knowing, good, gracious, merciful and loving God. The foundations of my faith were that God is the maker, giver of life and this was the first step in my learning that this life is NOT my own! What a humbling thing to learn. It truly has been the biggest thing God has taught me so far and extends into EVERY part of my life and relationships. My life is HIS, Daniel's life is HIS. Its actually comforting and a little scary all at the same time. To believe that my own life belongs fully to God I have to also trust him in EVERY part of my life.

Lots of people were so encouraging though, God is good, and if this is the worse that happens, Praise GOD!

I ended up going on these giant, (2 full inches each) horse pills and I had to take 2 ever 4 hours, yeah crazy! They seemed to help quite a bit, so I took them every day for 4 months....until.......

The next post will tell the next chapter...oh man.

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